3 Ways How Religion Protects A Society!

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Rabbi Dovid Weinberger

Religious practice appears to possess enormous potential for addressing today’s social problems. Strong and repeated evidence indicates that the regular practice of faith has beneficial effects in nearly every aspect of social concern and policy. This article includes 3 prominent ways regarding how your life can become positive and how you can become a positive [art of your society.

  1. Contented and satisfied people

Religion allows you to be satisfied in your life by knowing the value of things that matter. Things that truly matter include several things that vary from health to wellness. Life has become faster and the only way to stay stable is to staying close to religion. Religion allows you to have a balanced approach and see how things are going to work for you. You have to be grateful if you want to enjoy your life. If you are ungrateful, you will not be able to enjoy even if you become the richest person on the planet.

  1. Alcohol and drug abuse

Persons who abuse alcohol rarely have a powerful religious commitment. In their study of the development of alcohol ab Drug and alcohol use is lowest in the most conservative religious denominations and highest in non-religious groups, while liberal church groups have use rates just slightly less than those for non-religious groups. But for all groups, religious commitment correlates with the absence of drug misuse. Significantly, involvement in any religious denomination or group generally decreases the level of drug use regardless of whether the denomination imparts against the use of alcohol, although denominations that teach against any use of drugs or alcohol show the highest rates of drug circumvention.

  1. Self-esteem

The absence of self-esteem weakens the personality and puts the person at greater risk for crime, addictions, and other social maladies. Among college students, for instance, the practice of religion was showed to have a positive effect on mental health; students involved with campus ministries were much healthier and made much less use of mental health services. Religious allows you to introspect and look at the brighter side of life by connecting with your spirit and god. This approach helps people in having enhanced self-esteem and a positive outlook.

About the Author

Rabbi David Weinberger

Rabbi David Weinberger is an experienced Rabbi with 30 years of service in different fields. He has also taught classes in Jewish Law and Jewish Philosophy.

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