Religious Leaders And Their Duties In A Community!

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Rabbi Dovid Weinberger

Religious leaders need to know their role in shaping and transforming society. They must have profound knowledge about their community and they must be aware of the potential issues that their community might face. This article is going to impart knowledge about the duties of leaders and how they can play a positive role in the community.

Focusing on the social aspect:

A religious leader not only serves the community to cater to their religious needs but help people in dealing with the social aspects. Some people might need counseling from religious leaders for their marriage while others might need a supportive shoulder. Religious leaders also help several people in the community, who need help in being able to find a business contact.

Foster unity among people:

The most important part a religious leader can play is to foster unity amongst the respective community. Religious teachings by a religious leader play a great role in making a community more united. There is the preemptive side of religious leader that he must use for unity purposes. He needs to encourage growth and to foster unity among their respective community, he must stay active and be a third party in helping people establishing their relationships. A religious leader should observe that what he can do to enhance the unity amongst the community and its people in all aspects. He must stay updated about all the aspects of a community and he must help others in having friendly associations. This will make people in helping others by knowing their issues.

Character and leadership traits of a religious leader:

Character and personality qualities must be present in an effective leader. These include initiative, enthusiasm, and energy. The leaders with these qualities can help lead the team towards success. Typical behaviors have been mentioned which enables a team to work together in achieving a common goal. They are organization and planning, action initiation, responsibility delegation, controlling and coordination, sensitivity towards the needs, motivation, encouragement, setting standards for the group, asking for help, positive team member role, seeking advice, and applying discipline where required (Adair (2005)).

About the Author

Rabbi David Weinberger

Rabbi David Weinberger is an experienced Rabbi with 30 years of service in different fields. He has also taught classes in Jewish Law and Jewish Philosophy.

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